Sunday 24 November 2013

WEEK 1 NCS - day 3

Day 331/07/2013
8:32 AM – Got recognised by Fatimah and the girls from the two bed
dorm room, thanking me for getting rid of the pigeon and it
was so kind of me to do that. Totally made my morning.

Today I've got Pioneering (9:30 – 11:00AM), Team Time
Reflection (11:30 – 1:00 PM), Assembly (2:00 – 2:30 PM),
Sports (2:30 – 4:00PM), Archery (4:30 – 6:00 PM) then
Night Navigation / Evade Capture (7:30 – 9:00 PM).
A Should be fun!!!
11:15 AM – Pioneering was OK. We where bridge Building. That was
funny. Blondie 1 (I think) hurt her back falling from the
2ft high rope (She's OK though, nothing serious).
It's raining. But I suppose that's better than scorching heat
and dehydration.

Listening to music on my
Our rope bridge:
11:43 AM – FINALLY found out that our
group was in the normal room
with blue team. I hate Jamie.
I found out that one of my two shadows is called Natasha
(the shorter one with glasses).
Thanks to Jamie's crap eyesight my foot and ankle hurt like
I'm exhausted! Thank God I didn't skimp on breakfast this
morning, but I think I may miss out on part of lunch.
Thinking of it, breakfast was two sausages, beans, one piece
of toast and some hot chocolate (I figured I might need the
sugar rush).
Feel like I just need to sing my heart out.
12:15 PM – Change of plans – 2:30 PM is swimming and 4:00 PM is KG
Challenge in the sports hall.
12:42 PM – My moods are so unpredictable. It's like........ annoying?
Tiring? I don't know, but it's like living on a roller coaster.
Sometimes it's like drowning. Drowning in everything that
you're feeling, you just want it to stop, you try anything to
make it all stop before you explode from everything you're
feeling. It's all too much to handle because you don't know
how to process everything you're feeling.
1:40 PM – Lunch was some sort of beef stew with rice and some sort of
nut filled sponge cake.
At least the rain's stopped.
3:05 PM – Had a meltdown earlier, Now sat with Kathy Anne Birche in
her office helping out with small things.
I made a small poster for next week's talent show for wave 2
It's still raining.
3:13 PM – So Excited about Martin and Chrissie's wedding on
3:20 PM – Forgot to mention that at just before 2:00 PM I fell into a
bush and cut my arm (which led to me getting pissed off and
later causing my meltdown – they tried to put a plaster on
6:10 PM – Dinner consisted of (what looks like) left over bolgnese and
pasta, held together with melted cheese and chips.
Didn't go swimming at 2 PM (due to the meltdown) went to
the KG Challenge – got bored, had lunch, now wandering
around bored.

I can't be bothered with tonights activity. I'm tired, I feel
aweful and it's too much effort to run around for an hour
only to go back up stairs to get a bad nights sleep. Again.
They don't even have TV's here! I don't think we're cleared to
go onto the computers here either, so I can't start to watch
series 2 of Sherlock – or watch a trailer for it.
I'M SO BORED!!! And tired.
Now my hand hurts too! Sad face:(
6:20 PM – At least the rain's stopped again. Am actually terrified to take
my diary outside now. I nearly lost everything on Monday
when they decided to drag us out into the TIPPING RAIN!!!
Actually so tired right now.....might just go to bed now – I
might actually get a good nights rest then!
6:24 PM – Called mum yesterday about my fall from the climbing tower.
6:30 PM – Rain's back. Lovely. I wonder if any pigeons will visit

6:55 PM – Going to have a shower and go to bed. Feel awful.

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