Wednesday 4 December 2013

WEEK 1 NCS - Day 4

Day 4 1/8/13
7:46 AM – Up and dressed and ready for breakfast. Don't really feel like
eating – I didn't yesterday – but if I eat breakfast I can skimp
on something else later on if I still feel like this.
At least it's not raining – It's chilly, mind, but not raining –
but it probably will with the way this diary's going!!
8:19 AM – Apparently J. Bond (James?) left this college in 1980 to go to
Cambridge University. He was in Scholae house (Sempre Ad
Coel Estia). I'm wondering....
8:27 AM – Breakfast consisted of two sausages, some bacon, backed beans,
a quesant, a banana and some hot chocolate.
I'm actually stuffed. But at least I'm not going to pass out from
starvation or anything!!
8:35 AM – So today we've got Air Rifling (9:30 – 11), Team Time
Reflection (11:30 – 1:00 PM) Assembly (2:00 – 2:30) Sports
(2:30 – 4:00) Archery (4:30 – 6:00) and finally relays and
catapult building (7:30 – 9 PM) then iut's off to bed and
up just before seven so I can be up and ready for tomorrow.
Can't wait to be home, but the food here's prime! No wonder
people want their kids to go to private schools!!!
11:19 AM – Air Rifle shooting was OK, only got 13 points over all, shot
a pear right through. Lost the bingo.
11:43 AM – in team reflection – we're putting string over blue teams
1:12 PM – the J. Bond went to Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.
Lunch was something (I'm not sure what) with couscous, a
banana and chocolate.
Pissed off blue team in reflection.
2:04 Pm – Sat in the tuck shop with the girls for a bit, got a post card
with an areal view of the college on it. Going to stick that in
later on.
Must remember to set an alarm for earlier tomorrow morning.
To do list for 2/8/13:
-Get up early
-Strip bed and take bedding down to staff office (Opposite KG
-Bring bags down to theatre
2:30 PM – Joining Candy in Socks and Sandals later today.
3:13(ish) PM – Playing basketball with Team White (The Crabs).
Actually Boiling. Might sleep with my arm un
bandaged, I think the wound needs to breath (in case
you forgot I got in a tangle with a shrub yesterday).
4:04 PM – Just met a Jack russel puppy after playing basketball for an
hour and a half. So tired but so happy!! I've improved my
hand-eye-coordination so much!
Who ever painted the picture of the guy with most of his face
in bandages needs a hug.............. or a therapist maybe …...........
either way it's freaky.
4:28 PM – My God, the heat and the wind!!! It's KILLING me!!!
5:10 PM – Administered first aid on Georgina (AKA Fred) after she
bruised her arm going archery (apparently the bow string
pinged on her arm – I put cold water on the bruise).
Also I'm crap at archery. No change there!
4:17 PM – 4 of 5 arrows hit the target!!! And they where mine!!!
5:40 PM – I hit the target!!!
5:45 PM – My foot hurts still and my muscles hurt from the basketball
session earlier.
9:39 PM – going to brush my teeth, get dressed for bed, put some wound
care cream on my war wounds and go to bed. Having a 6:45
AM start tomorrow, want to be fully ready for the day ahead.
Got my Aspartame (artificial sweetner) filled orange Tango, a

mars bar, a twix and a milkyway for the Journey tomorrow.

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