Monday 9 December 2013

NCS Week 2 - Day 1

Week 2
11:05 AM – arrived at College.
12:05 PM – After my Chilly encounter I feel like I could breath fire … or
throw … either way it feels like there's a mini Smaug living
in my belly.
Feel like I'm dying.
12:15 PM – Found some fellow Sherlockians.
12:30 PM – I still haven't forgotten the stairs (7 flights and 70 steps).
12:35 PM – Tired, hungry, feel sick.
12:56 PM – Full up on chips, a sausage roll, a doughnut and orange
Actually feel better for eating something that isn't trying to
kill me.
1:18 PM – Trying to get the speakers to work.
Apparently not now. Oh well.
1:20 PM – Meow. I wonder if we'll see Trigger at some point this week.
4:12 PM – Locked out of my room. Apparently our keycards aren't
working on our bedroom doors. Now a maintenance man is
heading round Edmund Hall unlocking doors and getting the
cards to work.
I'm sat out here with a view over the balcony waiting my
I'm Bored.
4:30 PM – Got my room unlocked and got my key.
5:47 PM – Still chucking it down. We had to create something to
incorporate community in a metaphor. We created the
Community Crown”.
6:40 PM – Dinner consisted of beef noodles and rice with chips and a
Managed to sneak out a plastic cup to have some water in the
mornings so I don't have to take my tablets in front of
Am tired and bored. I have a nice room though.
6:53 PM – While we where making the “Community Crown” I found two
articles in the Bedfordshire on Sunday news paper – 'Firm
defends practice at pig farm' and a small article on a father
who 'apparently' beat his wife and four of his six kids. Both
of these articles show just how awful humans can be.
I'm bored. Like really bores.
7:05 PM – Because I'm bored I counted the number of pages I wrote for
week one (18) and how many I've done for week two so far
(nearly four pages for one day).
At least none of the dumb things I've said in here will be
forgotten – immortalised on the internet forever.
8:06 PM – Absolutely shot. Gonna try to get some sleep. Don't know why
I'm so tired.
8:59 PM – Can't sleep with the rave going on upstairs. So tired and so
9:08 PM – The rave upstairs (T.R.U.S) is still going strong and noisy. I
hope they're not like this till 11:30 (bedtime).
9:14 PM – Touch wood it's all gone – never mind T.R.U.S is back up and
I know everyone wants to be social, but don't they believe in
an early night?
They won't even let a single song play through!!
I might try to drop some subtle hints tomorrow morning. I

don't know.

* The weekend passes. *

Wednesday 4 December 2013

WEEK 1 NCS - Day 5

Day 5 2/8/13
6:59 AM – Up early (6:45), accidentally forgot I'd set a second alarm in
case I ignored the first one. I remembered the second alarm as
I was on the loo after waking up to the first alarm.
8:24 AM – Breakfast was a bowl of cereal, two quesants, 3 glasses of
apple juice and an espresso.
9:10 AM – Just found out that my two shadows from blue team are
Natalie and Jordan (Jordan? Georgia?). Just took my suitcase
down to the theatre. That was fun. Apparently we've another
activity with the KG staff today. Yay. We're leaving at about
two today so we should be at Shuttleworth for about 4:00 PM.
Emphasis on the word “should”.
11:25 AM – got a photo with Candi. We designed a 'new' game (we
played wink murder). Got hit in the face with a rugby ball
in another game.
Just signed up the first two acts for the talent show.
1:11 PM – My early lunch consisted of chips bubble & Speak cakes,
mushy peas (that I don't like, But I did try them!),
Strawberrys and cream on waffles and a 99 with a flake and
Watched Ishod on stage for a while to kill time before lunch.
Gonna go back to my room to say goodbye.
I'll miss this place! It's lovely!!
1:55 PM – Apparently the lovely Puppy I thought was a Jack Russell is
in fact a Boarder Terrier (10 weeks old!!). Her Name's Eddie
and she's lovely!!
2:45 PM – We're on our way home!! Can't wait to get back to my own
2:48 PM – Wind turbines!!!
4:00 PM – had a 10 minute stop at a services, got another drink.
Guess who's a happy bunny now?
4:26 PM – Eddi Stobart Truck – Abi Linda.
4:40 PM – More Wind turbines.
4:49 PM – Now in Bedfordshire.
4:50 PM – About 15 minutes from Shuttleworth College, then half hour
from home.
Just gone over the river Ouse.
4:55 PM – Just passed the river Ivel

5:02 PM We're back, just on the driveway now.

WEEK 1 NCS - Day 4

Day 4 1/8/13
7:46 AM – Up and dressed and ready for breakfast. Don't really feel like
eating – I didn't yesterday – but if I eat breakfast I can skimp
on something else later on if I still feel like this.
At least it's not raining – It's chilly, mind, but not raining –
but it probably will with the way this diary's going!!
8:19 AM – Apparently J. Bond (James?) left this college in 1980 to go to
Cambridge University. He was in Scholae house (Sempre Ad
Coel Estia). I'm wondering....
8:27 AM – Breakfast consisted of two sausages, some bacon, backed beans,
a quesant, a banana and some hot chocolate.
I'm actually stuffed. But at least I'm not going to pass out from
starvation or anything!!
8:35 AM – So today we've got Air Rifling (9:30 – 11), Team Time
Reflection (11:30 – 1:00 PM) Assembly (2:00 – 2:30) Sports
(2:30 – 4:00) Archery (4:30 – 6:00) and finally relays and
catapult building (7:30 – 9 PM) then iut's off to bed and
up just before seven so I can be up and ready for tomorrow.
Can't wait to be home, but the food here's prime! No wonder
people want their kids to go to private schools!!!
11:19 AM – Air Rifle shooting was OK, only got 13 points over all, shot
a pear right through. Lost the bingo.
11:43 AM – in team reflection – we're putting string over blue teams
1:12 PM – the J. Bond went to Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.
Lunch was something (I'm not sure what) with couscous, a
banana and chocolate.
Pissed off blue team in reflection.
2:04 Pm – Sat in the tuck shop with the girls for a bit, got a post card
with an areal view of the college on it. Going to stick that in
later on.
Must remember to set an alarm for earlier tomorrow morning.
To do list for 2/8/13:
-Get up early
-Strip bed and take bedding down to staff office (Opposite KG
-Bring bags down to theatre
2:30 PM – Joining Candy in Socks and Sandals later today.
3:13(ish) PM – Playing basketball with Team White (The Crabs).
Actually Boiling. Might sleep with my arm un
bandaged, I think the wound needs to breath (in case
you forgot I got in a tangle with a shrub yesterday).
4:04 PM – Just met a Jack russel puppy after playing basketball for an
hour and a half. So tired but so happy!! I've improved my
hand-eye-coordination so much!
Who ever painted the picture of the guy with most of his face
in bandages needs a hug.............. or a therapist maybe …...........
either way it's freaky.
4:28 PM – My God, the heat and the wind!!! It's KILLING me!!!
5:10 PM – Administered first aid on Georgina (AKA Fred) after she
bruised her arm going archery (apparently the bow string
pinged on her arm – I put cold water on the bruise).
Also I'm crap at archery. No change there!
4:17 PM – 4 of 5 arrows hit the target!!! And they where mine!!!
5:40 PM – I hit the target!!!
5:45 PM – My foot hurts still and my muscles hurt from the basketball
session earlier.
9:39 PM – going to brush my teeth, get dressed for bed, put some wound
care cream on my war wounds and go to bed. Having a 6:45
AM start tomorrow, want to be fully ready for the day ahead.
Got my Aspartame (artificial sweetner) filled orange Tango, a

mars bar, a twix and a milkyway for the Journey tomorrow.

Sunday 24 November 2013

WEEK 1 NCS - day 3

Day 331/07/2013
8:32 AM – Got recognised by Fatimah and the girls from the two bed
dorm room, thanking me for getting rid of the pigeon and it
was so kind of me to do that. Totally made my morning.

Today I've got Pioneering (9:30 – 11:00AM), Team Time
Reflection (11:30 – 1:00 PM), Assembly (2:00 – 2:30 PM),
Sports (2:30 – 4:00PM), Archery (4:30 – 6:00 PM) then
Night Navigation / Evade Capture (7:30 – 9:00 PM).
A Should be fun!!!
11:15 AM – Pioneering was OK. We where bridge Building. That was
funny. Blondie 1 (I think) hurt her back falling from the
2ft high rope (She's OK though, nothing serious).
It's raining. But I suppose that's better than scorching heat
and dehydration.

Listening to music on my
Our rope bridge:
11:43 AM – FINALLY found out that our
group was in the normal room
with blue team. I hate Jamie.
I found out that one of my two shadows is called Natasha
(the shorter one with glasses).
Thanks to Jamie's crap eyesight my foot and ankle hurt like
I'm exhausted! Thank God I didn't skimp on breakfast this
morning, but I think I may miss out on part of lunch.
Thinking of it, breakfast was two sausages, beans, one piece
of toast and some hot chocolate (I figured I might need the
sugar rush).
Feel like I just need to sing my heart out.
12:15 PM – Change of plans – 2:30 PM is swimming and 4:00 PM is KG
Challenge in the sports hall.
12:42 PM – My moods are so unpredictable. It's like........ annoying?
Tiring? I don't know, but it's like living on a roller coaster.
Sometimes it's like drowning. Drowning in everything that
you're feeling, you just want it to stop, you try anything to
make it all stop before you explode from everything you're
feeling. It's all too much to handle because you don't know
how to process everything you're feeling.
1:40 PM – Lunch was some sort of beef stew with rice and some sort of
nut filled sponge cake.
At least the rain's stopped.
3:05 PM – Had a meltdown earlier, Now sat with Kathy Anne Birche in
her office helping out with small things.
I made a small poster for next week's talent show for wave 2
It's still raining.
3:13 PM – So Excited about Martin and Chrissie's wedding on
3:20 PM – Forgot to mention that at just before 2:00 PM I fell into a
bush and cut my arm (which led to me getting pissed off and
later causing my meltdown – they tried to put a plaster on
6:10 PM – Dinner consisted of (what looks like) left over bolgnese and
pasta, held together with melted cheese and chips.
Didn't go swimming at 2 PM (due to the meltdown) went to
the KG Challenge – got bored, had lunch, now wandering
around bored.

I can't be bothered with tonights activity. I'm tired, I feel
aweful and it's too much effort to run around for an hour
only to go back up stairs to get a bad nights sleep. Again.
They don't even have TV's here! I don't think we're cleared to
go onto the computers here either, so I can't start to watch
series 2 of Sherlock – or watch a trailer for it.
I'M SO BORED!!! And tired.
Now my hand hurts too! Sad face:(
6:20 PM – At least the rain's stopped again. Am actually terrified to take
my diary outside now. I nearly lost everything on Monday
when they decided to drag us out into the TIPPING RAIN!!!
Actually so tired right now.....might just go to bed now – I
might actually get a good nights rest then!
6:24 PM – Called mum yesterday about my fall from the climbing tower.
6:30 PM – Rain's back. Lovely. I wonder if any pigeons will visit

6:55 PM – Going to have a shower and go to bed. Feel awful.


Day 230/07/2013
8:35 AM – Finally Got to breakfast at about 8:15 after being woken by a
couple of other girls from white (at 7:25 AM – breakfast in
five!!). Breakfast consisted of one piece of toast and an under
ripe banana. I think I hear the tuck shop calling.

9:12ish AM – Climbing till 11:00 AM (9:30 start) 11:30 AM it's Team
Reflection, 1:00 PM Lunch,2:00 PM Assembly, 2:30 Crate
Climbing, 4:30 PM Trust Trail, 6:00 PM Dinner, 7:30

9:28 AM – Must call mum at some point. Still waiting to go. Lost Team
Leader Chloë.

9:30 AM – Never mind about Chloë.

9:45 AM – Got my harness on, instructors name is Sam.

10:00 AM – Now called Gin

10:15 AM – Fingers feeling like I have Osteoarthritis.
Group members names are now Blondies 1, 2 & 3, Fred,
George, Flo, Minion and myself Gin.

11:28ish AM – Waiting for Team Reflection to begin. BORED


12:25 PM – New team name “The Crabs”.

12:55 PM – Officially called 'Gin' because it's easy to spell (they keep
getting 'Jeannette' wrong). Talked about who has inspired
us, Jodie (Minion) said Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss from
THG moves) because she won't starve herself for a part &
encourages girls to keep healthy.

1:35 PM – Waiting for dad to call - I fell off the climbing wall and landed awkwardly on my left foot. Had lunch – not exciting, some sort of rolled up sausage with onions and baked beans, pudding was more exciting though, a pineapple turnover cake (a sponge with pineapple and something like golden syrup).
The plaque things I mentioned yesterday look something like this:

2:24ish PM – Had Assembly – had to dance. Oh hell, one of the staff members danced with me, she can't dance either.
My foot still hurts and I'm tired. Got crate climbing now. Should be fun

7:10 PM – finished the Trust Trail about an
hour ago. I don't trust George (AKA Jamie). Or anyone in The
Crabs any more.
Waiting to go to the theatre for film night (apparently the
choices are Wreck It Ralf and Batman).

7:35ish PM – Apparently the choices where Despicable Me, Social
Network, Dark Night Rises, and Wreck It Ralf.
The two chosen where Despicable Me and Dark Night
I chose Despicable Me.

9:47 PM – Despicable Me was cool now going to be (want to be up OK).

10:40 PM – Pigeon flew into a dorm. Considering setting up a business 'Pigeon Rescue'!?!


Day 1 – 29/07/2013
Nearly 9:45 AM – Going to Peterborough for NCS programme (Wave 2,
Team White, Phase 1)
Still on bus. Bored to hell. Only been moving for 1 hr.
still got an hr. to go.

10:47 AM – I got them MOOOOVEES LIKE JAGER!!

11:11 AM – Bedford and Havenhand shop FITTING not shoplifting.

11:16 AM – E. Park and sons LTD Quality Potatoes. What makes a
quality 'tater?

11:21 AM – Did I mention that we crossed the border into El county of
Lincolnshire about 30 minutes back?

11:22 AM – IDA MARIA!!

11:47 AM – Just entered Sherwood Forest country.

11:48 AM – BORED!! AND my arse hurts.

11:51 AM – Wind Turbines!!

11:53 AM – Quick tour of Sherwood Forest country. To our left, trees. To
our right, trees. What's that over there? TREES!!!

11:55 AM – It appears we've arrived.

12:25 PM – All unpacked in Pelham Hall. Jodie and I have the top attic
room. It has a lovely view of old roof tiles, tree tops and
another building (or at least part of a corner of it!).
If I haven't lost half my body weight in lugging my stuff up
here, I'll never lose any weight at all.
Either way, site walk at half past and then lunch at about
1 PM.
This place must be listed (Worksop College).

1:23ish PM – This place is a maze. I know my way to my room (on the
top floor no less!!) and from my room to the dining hall
and now the front door (thank god!!).

7 flights of stairs and 70 steps IS NOT FUNNY!!! >:(

1:40ish PM – Lunch consisted of five meatballs, noodles, baked beans
and THE WORST coffee and walnut cake I've ever tasted.
We didn't get the tour, instead we played rock, paper,
scissors and hangman.

1:57 PM – sat in theatre, got myself a double shadow in the form of two
girls from team blue, both seem very agreeable!

2:20 PM – Boring talk, now tour.

3:15 PM – After getting back to safety from rain, we where forced to come
to the sports hall. Now the outer edge of my note pad is
ruined. Not a happy bunny.

3:20 PM – Playing Splat in the sports hall. BORED.

3:23ish PM – Science and magic, sleep and rest, seeing and observing. It's
hard to define the differences sometimes, although
individual definitions are rarely hard to find.

3:27ish PM – If this weather persists I'm going to have to have a word
with the MET Office.

4:20 PM – Back in the Theatre.

4:25 PM – Group meeting (White Team).

5:40 PM Still in the group meeting.

6:12ish PM – Dinner Chicken nuggets, peas, wedges, banana. Free till
7:30 PM.
There are plaques to each dorm / house showing students
who excelled.
Mason – Sola Nobilitas Virtus
Talbot – Prest D'accomplir
Scholae – Sempre Ad Coel Estia
Mount Garret – Depressus Exlollor
PelhamLoyalte N'a Honte
Shirley – Loyal Je Suis
Portland – Craignez Honte
Derry – Pergite Sempre
Gibbs – Tenax Propositi
On each side of the dorm / house shield are the words
'Gloria Dormus'

9:45ish PM – Go look around the college.

10:05 PM – Brush teeth, get changed, go to bed.